Vocabulaire assurance anglais
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Français => Anglais
assurance => Insurance
accident => Accidental event
acte de malveillance => Malicious Damage
adhérent => Subscriber
adhésion => Enrollment
admissible => Eligible
affiliation => Membership
âge d’ouverture des droits à pension => Pensionable age
agent d’assurance => Insurance agent
aide sociale => Supplementary benefit
allocation de chômage => Unemployment benefit
allocation de maternité => Maternity benefit
allocation décès => Death benefit
allocation forfaitaire => Flat-rate benefit
allocation logement => Housing allowance / benefit
allocation pour parent isolé => One-parent benefit
allocations pour enfants => Child benefit
annulation => Cancellation
antérieur => Previous, prior
appel, recours => Appeal
approprié / correspondant / compétent => Relevant
arrêt de travail => Sick leave
assurabilité => Insurability
assurance de biens => Property insurance
assurance en cas de décès => Death insurance
assurance collective => Group insurance
assurance facultative => Optional insurance
assurance invalidité => Disability insurance
assurance maladie / santé => Health insurance
assurance responsabilité civile => Public liability insurance
assurance risque pays => Country Risk Insurance
assurance tous risques => All risks / Full Comprehensive Insurance
assurance vie => Life insurance
assurance vol et incendie => Fire and Theft Insurance
assurance voyage => Travel insurance
assuré => Client, Customer, Insured
assureur => Insurer
attestation d’assurance => Certificate of insurance
avis d’annulation => Cancellation notice
ayant droit aux prestations => Claimant, eligible for benefit
bénéfice => Benefit
bénéficiaire => Beneficiary
bénéficiaire désigné => Designated beneficiary
blessure => Injury
blessure invalidante => Disabling injury
brochure => Leaflet
caisse d’assurance maladie => Health Insurance Fund
caution => Deposit
chômeur => Unemployed
ci-dessous, ci-après => Below
ci-joint => Attached, Enclosed
clause => Clause
client éventuel => Prospect
compagnon, compagne, concubin => Partner
compagnie d’assurance => Insurance company
compensation => Compensation
complément => Supplement
complémentaire => Additional
condition requise => Requirement
conditions d’ouverture des droits => Qualifying conditions
contrat bilatéral => Bilateral contract
contrat résiliable => Cancelable policy
cotisations validées à titre gratuit => Credits
cotisations => Contributions
courtier d’assurance => Insurance broker
couverture médicale => Health coverage, Medical cover
crédit d’impôt => Tax credit
date d’affiliation => Date of entry
date d’échéance => Due date
date de naissance => date of birth (D.O.B.)
date de prise d’effet => Effective date
déclaration, relevé => Statement
décédé => Deceased
délai de carence => Elimination period
demande de prestations => Application, claim
demande de renseignements => Enquiry
demande tardive => Late claim
demande => Request
détachement => Posting, Secondment
dispositions générales => General conditions
divorcé => Divorced
dommage => Damage
dommage corporel => Bodily injury
dommage matériel => Property damage
dossier => File, Paperwork
droit de faire appel => Right of appeal
durée du contrat => Policy term
échéance => Due Date
emploi – travail => Employment
emploi rémunéré => Gainful employment
emploi à durée indéterminée => Permanent employment
employeur => Employer
employé – salarié => Employee
en application de, conformément à => Under the terms of
en double exemplaire => in duplicate
engagement => Commitment
établissement de soins => Health facility
état-civil => Marital status
expertise => Survey
exonération => Exemption
facture => Invoice
fausse déclaration => Misrepresentation
femme au foyer => Housewife
fiche de paye => Pay-slip
fichier, dossier, relevé (cotisations) => Record
formulaire, attestation => Certificate
garantie => Coverage, warranty
impayé => Overdue
imposable => Taxable, liable to tax
inaptitude au travail => Inability to work
incapacité de travail => Incapacity for work
incapacité temporaire => Temporary disability
indemnisation => Indemnification
indemnité d’accident du travail => Injury benefit
indemnité forfaitaire => Fixed allowance
indemnité journalière => Daily benefit
indemnités maladie => Sickness benefit
inscription, affiliation => Registration
invalide, handicapé => Disabled
invalidité => Disability
invalidité partielle => Partial disability
invalidité totale => Total disability
justificatif => Documentary evidence
majoration => Increase
maladie professionnelle => Occupational disease
malus => Penalty
montant => Amount
montant de l’impôt => Liability (tax)
montant de la prestation => Rate of benefit
non-responsabilité => Non-liability
nom de famille => Surname
non applicable => N/A
ouverture des droits => Entitlement
participation – part à la charge du patient => Co-payment
pension alimentaire (conjoint) => Alimony
pension alimentaire (enfant) => Child support
pension d’invalidité => Disability benefit, Invalidity benefit
pension de retraite => Retirement benefit, Superannuation benefit
personne à charge => Dependant
plafond des indemnités => Limit of Indemnity
police d’assurance => Insurance policy
prestation contributive => Contributory benefit
prestation d’incapacité de travail => Incapacity benefit
prestation d’incapacité/invalidité => Disablement benefit
prestation de vieillesse => Old age benefit
prestation pour accident du travail => Industrial injury benefit
prestation => Benefit
prestations en espèces => Cash benefit
prestations en nature => Benefit in kind
preuve de sinistre => Proof of loss
prime d’assurance => Insurance premium
prime de Noël => Christmas bonus
protection/prévoyance sociale => Social Welfare
pré-retraite => Early retirement
prénom => Forename
présentation d’une demande => Submission of a claim
preuves/Justification => Evidence
période minimum d’affiliation => Qualifying period
régime de retraite => Pension plan
relevé d’assurance => Insurance record
relevé d’identité bancaire, coordonnées bancaires => Bank details
relevé des cotisations => Contribution record
remboursement => Refund
renseignements d’identité, relevé détaillé => Details
rente => Annuity
requérant => Claimant
ressource => Recourse
retraite ajournée => Deferred retirement
retraite versée par l’Etat => State Pension
revenu minimum => Minimum wage
règlement => Regulation
régime => Scheme
répétition de l’indu => Overpayment recovery
responsabilité civile => Civil, public, third party liability
risque => Risk
risque réel => Genuine risk
situation => Circumstances
subrogation (de prestations) => Assignment (of benefits)
suppression d’une prestation => Withdrawal of a benefit
séjour => Stay
séparé => Living apart
taux d’invalidité => Disability rate
taux-plein => Full rate
temporaire => Provisional
titulaire d’une pension => Entitled to a pension
trop-perçu, indu => Overpayment
versement avant terme => Payment in advance
versement à terme échu => Payment in arrear
veuf, veuve => Widowed
Verbes utiles
s’assurer => to buy an insurance
assurer => to insure
accorder – octroyer => to award
accorder une prestation => to grant a benefit
avoir droit => to qualify
causer un dommage => to damage
choisir => to elect
demander, présenter une demande => to apply
émettre, délivrer => to issue
engager des frais => to incur expenses
enregistrer => to record
instruire => to process
rappeler, mentionner => to quote
réclamer => to claim
refuser une prestation => to disallow benefit
rejeter => to reject
retrouver trace => to trace
réunir, remplir les conditions => to meet the conditions
s’inscrire => to enlist
s’inscrire, s’affilier => to register
stipuler, prévoir (règlements) => to provide
transmettre (communiquer) => to forward
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